Sunflower Lecithin | Choline Australia


Learn the secrets about Health Watchers’ Sunflower Lecithin Powder and uncover the benefits revealed about this versatile supplement. Achieve a healthier lifestyle when you take this natural powder that supports brain health, liver function, and cardiovascular health. Things your chemist may not tell you about: Sunflower Lecithin can enhance memory and improve overall well-being. Get a better, healthier life with Health Watchers’ Sunflower Lecithin Powder and experience the transformative effects on your health.

Health Watchers are the premium suppliers of Sunflower Lecithin | Choline Nation wide, your Sunflower Lecithin | Choline will be delivered on time right to your door. Special deals available with fast delivery Ohio, United States. At Health Watchers we respect your time and will make sure that your order will be delivered direct from our distribution centre on time by the fastest possible means, right to your nominated address. Lead a full fitness lifestyle. Order your Sunflower Lecithin | Choline today. Shop with confidence at Health Watchers.

Name: Sunflower Lecithin | Choline
Currency: AUD
Price: $47.95
An Introduction to Sunflower Lecithin
Prepare to be amazed by our extraordinary Sunflower Lecithin – a premium, nutrient-rich offering that’s bound to leave you delighted.
Elevate your culinary creations by simply sprinkling this plant-based powder over your favourite dishes or effortlessly blending it into your daily juices and smoothies to infuse them with a burst of nourishing goodness!
Sunflower Lecithin is a great source of phosphatidylcholine, a phospholipid that is important for healthy brain function.
Potential Benefits of Sunflower Lecithin:
Cholesterol Management: Lecithin can support healthy cholesterol levels by helping to transport fats and cholesterol through the bloodstream. It may help prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in artery walls.
Brain Health: Lecithin is a source of choline, a nutrient that is a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Adequate acetylcholine levels are important for memory, cognition, and overall brain function.
Liver Health: Choline, present in sunflower lecithin, supports liver function by aiding in the metabolism of fats and helping to prevent the buildup of fat in the liver.
Digestive Health: Lecithin may assist in emulsifying fats and promoting the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients in the digestive system.
Nutrient Absorption: Lecithin may enhance the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, E, and K.
Cell Membrane Health: Phospholipids in sunflower lecithin contribute to the structural integrity and fluidity of cell membranes throughout the body.
Skin Health: Some skincare products include lecithin for its potential to hydrate and moisturise the skin.
Allergies and Asthma: Lecithin may support lung function and reduce inflammation, potentially offering benefits for individuals with allergies or asthma.
Exercise Performance: Lecithin is sometimes used by athletes and fitness enthusiasts to support exercise performance and recovery, although more research is needed in this area.
Cognitive Function: Due to its choline content, sunflower lecithin is also believed to support cognitive function and memory.
Suggested Use:
Sunflower lecithin can be sprinkled over cereal, added to smoothies, soups and salads.
1 teaspoon per day.
1 rounded teaspoon contains approximately 2.5 g of lecithin.
Sunflower Lecithin.
Sunflower Lecithin is GMO free and contains no allergens, making it preferable to other sources of lecithin such as soy.
DISCLAIMER: We recommend consulting your healthcare practitioner to ensure our supplements & products align with your health needs.
You can also find Sunflower Lecithin at these online stores:
Go Vita
Buy Natural
Aus Health Nutrition
Aussie Health Products
Artisanal Australia
David Jones Pharmacy
Australian Organic Products
Discount Vitamin Express
Cut Price Pharmacy


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