Super Greens by PranaON PranaON


Health Watchers are the premium suppliers of Super Greens by PranaON Nation wide, your Super Greens by PranaON will be delivered on time right to your door. Special deals available with fast delivery Ohio, United States. At Health Watchers we respect your time and will make sure that your order will be delivered direct from our distribution centre on time by the fastest possible means, right to your nominated address. Lead a full fitness lifestyle. Order your Super Greens by PranaON today. Shop with confidence at Health Watchers.

Name: Super Greens by PranaON
Currency: AUD
Price: $29.95
PranaON Super Greens
Getting in your greens has never been easier! PranaON Super Greens has been designed as nutritious superfood blend of 7 powerful sprouts, grasses and algae to assist in supporting health and wellbeing. With their antioxidant power in mind, Super Greens was created with spirulina and chlorella, as well as digestive enzymes to help you get the most out of your greens powder. Getting in a serving of health building antioxidants, vitamins and minerals has never been simpler or tastier!
Vegan Product – All products in the PranaON range are vegetarian and vegan friendly. This means they do not use or contain any animal by-products.
B-Vitamins – Each serving is packed full of B-Vitamins to boost energy levels and assist with the conversion of food into energy.
Antioxidants – Crafted with antioxidant rich Chorella and Spirulina to help combat free radicals and oxidative damage within the body.
Alkalising Properties – Super Greens contains high levels of chlorophyll to assist in purifying and alkalising the body.
Whether you’re an athlete looking to push your body further or just someone who wants to improve their health, PranaON Super Greens is a simple and delicious way to get a serving of greens packed full of nutrients to help detoxify the body and keep you feeling energised! Simply mix one teaspoon in 300-500ml of water (also delicious in juice or smoothies) and enjoy at any time of the day!
Nutritional Information
(Based on Fresh Mint flavour)
Directions of Use
Mix 1 serve (5g) in 300-500ml cold water or your favourite beverage and mix well.
Can be enjoyed any time of day.


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